I had a Primary Presidency meeting at my house yesterday morning and at the end of the meeting Sister Reed (who is our dear President and is in her 70's) shared a funny story with us. Apparently last Sunday in the neighboring ward the woman who was conducting Sharing Time opened her lesson with the above question, "what is something that boys have, that girls don't, that begins with the letter P?"
Now, how this poor woman couldn't have seen what was coming is beyond me. Obviously every child began raising their hands or just shouting out a certain part of the male anatomy. The answer she was looking for was "priesthood", boys will someday receive the priesthood. Perhaps we are all just more perverse than the teacher conducting but, honestly, what was your first thought when you saw that question?
Note: For those of you who aren't LDS, Primary is the program for children aged 3-12 that meets during the second and third hours of church. The Primary is divided up into classes by age but for a portion all of the classes meet together and a lesson is taught, i.e. Sharing Time.
Note: For those of you who aren't LDS, Primary is the program for children aged 3-12 that meets during the second and third hours of church. The Primary is divided up into classes by age but for a portion all of the classes meet together and a lesson is taught, i.e. Sharing Time.