That's right, Allie and Andrew came to town and fun was had by all! They were here for about a week and we wasted no time. Whenever any of our friends or relatives come to Austin we like to take them to see the sights because there are still a lot of things that we haven't seen ourselves----it's a great opportunity to get out and find some fun.
We have known for quite some time that there is a bridge in downtown Austin that is home to millions of bats---that's right, bats. Every night at sunset the bats fly out from under the bridge to go eat a zillion times their weight in insects and it is quite a spectacle to behold (or so we had heard). We decided that while Andrew and Allie were here would be the perfect time to check out this attraction, especially because we knew that Bracken and Andrew would be fascinated by the creepy little creatures. So, one night we got all of the kids into their pajamas and headed for downtown. Justin had called "the bat phone" to see what time the bats would be making their appearance and we learned that it wasn't until 9pm which ordinarily would be way too late for an outing but for this we made a special exception. We picked up dinner on the way downtown and headed to the park to eat our food and watch for bats. Unfortunately we found out around 9:05 when the bats never surfaced that we were under the wrong bridge, the kids were a little disappointed but they had already had so much fun being totally weird (as is evidenced in pictures below) that they were fine with having missed it. I'm pretty sure that I was the most disappointed of us all.
In all of the pictures I have posted you will be able to witness what baffles Allie and me, where on earth did these boys come from?

both as weird as they come, doing some sort of Fiddler on the Roof dance

a random homeless child

I just think they are being so weird and embarrassing!
We consider ourselves so fortunate that our first summer here is literally the hottest on record in Austin history---clearly a great time to be 8 months pregnant. We go to the pool nearly every day at least once but due to naps for the younger ones we have been forced to become creative with our water play. At some point I had bribed Bracken with water balloons and they have become a very fun way for the kids to beat the heat.

water balloons...they took 20 minutes to fill and 20 seconds to go through

fun in a tub
my favorite picture from the trip, love the freckles and the big blue eyes

Bracken after dunking himself

right before Bracken pushed Andrew's head under the water
three kids, three water balloons, danger for me

why does she always strike a pose?
very lady-like
so cheesy
Abbie trying to make the monkey face mommy makes
thumbs up! I guess they killed it

Bracken learned how to make his own water balloon
The water balloons were a blast but they were only a precursor to the real fun. Andrew turned six back in December but because his birthday is the week before Christmas he didn't have a party, Allie had promised him that he could have his party when they came to Texas over the summer, so we did. On one of their last days here we ordered pizza, bought cupcakes, and headed for a great park near the gym. Andrew was a little perplexed as to where his presents were but seemed to forget about them (temporarily) once we arrived at the park. It was quite the experience, as you can see.
yes, I know his shirt is backwards but he was so proud of getting himself dressed, he wore it like this all day
running a few laps on a track he created with a rake
(he seriously ran like a mile worth of laps)

pizza, the best birthday dinner choice!

Tatey loves trucks
the joys of digging
this was her problem
this was her solution
oops, I was the one who carried the cupcakes...
Tate, would you care to share a drink?
totally excited for the first bite
whose idea was the electric-colored frosting?
in case you can't tell what's happening, check the picture below
Andrew is indeed blowing his party horn with his nose

come on, you can do better than that...
There you go, really show us those tonsils!
How do children eat in such a way as to get frosting in the corners of their eyes?
Boy George?
Oh how we miss being entertained by our cousins down the street. We were so sad to see you guys go but we were so glad that you were able to come and visit!!!
It was an excellent trip. We had so much fun there. I'm glad it was captured in photos.
This pics are great! What fun. The kid play and cousin time, not the 8months pregnant in a heat wave thing.
What fun cousins for my little kiddo. I can't wait until he can run around with the best of 'em. Minus the "sand angels" of course.
awesome pictures & captions
ok, i was cracking up at the kids in their PJs with shoes on (why is that always so funny looking?), how funny and HUGE andrew is, and the wrecked cupcakes. way to ruin the party!! love that you are updating this blog more regularly, by the way. your posts are always entertaining!
cute kids!
Oh how fun!! I love it when the kids play so well together, and even better that they are cousins AND friends.
I am bummed for you that you missed the bats. You know that we have also longed to go see them since we have lived here, but something always comes up. Maybe we will all have to try again before school starts.
Its a great trip thanks for sharing your thoughts....
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