Totally thrilled to have gotten up at 3:30 AM for the 4:30 arrival at the hospital (especially after having gone to bed at midnight and having Tate climb into bed with us at 3:00). Who needs rest before a day of pushing another human being out of their body?
Lexie makes her grand appearance 12 hours after the pitocin was begun and 14 hours after arriving at the hospital.

Abbie finally gets to meet her baby sister, she has waited for so long. See Abbie I told you she wouldn't have purple hair!
Everyone was very quick to jump into the delivery bed with mom---some even gave a tug or two to my I.V.! It was really special and super comfy immediately after delivery to have the younger ones hopping on me.
Hmm, I hadn't eaten in more than 24 hours but I'm sure Lexie was as hungry and tired as I was after that crazy delivery. I didn't have the energy to nurse. I couldn't stop shaking or get my teeth to stop chattering. My epidural had completely worn off and the anesthesiologist stood in the room watching me writhe in pain while he took a personal call on his cell. It was delightful.
Aren't they cute? I had set out every outfit for the kids so that they would be presentable and so my Dad wouldn't have to find clothes for them...I did not anticipate that Abbie would come in a dress and her Lelly Kelly high tops...or that my girls would have homeless child hair.**a special thanks to my friend Jackie whom I know had fixed the girls hair hours earlier, none of us thought the delivery would take so long
Thanks for the apple mom, I knew you probably wanted me to have it since you had Daddy put it right by your bedside. You couldn't possibly have intended it for yourself.
Looks like we need to get her circulation under control because those are some mighty blue hands!
Mommy the next morning hoping we will be allowed to leave at the 24 hour mark.

No such luck...they held us hostage for an extra 12 hours but that just meant more mommy-baby bonding time for me and baby Lex.