Thursday, June 2, 2011

the novice videographer

I sat down at my computer to upload some photos and begin to catch up on my blog again. This video is what I found, along with literally 50 other photos and videos that are equally amusing. The kids must have learned how to hack into my computer (which requires a password) over the weekend because these are the outfits they were wearing on Saturday. I have no idea how to make videos like this myself or how to take pictures creating crazy backgrounds (there are some green-screen shots with roller coaster backgrounds, etc.) but somehow Bracken figured it all out and entertained himself for quite some time. I will post some of the other gems later but this is the exact video that appeared when I logged in to my account and it was too random and hilarious not to share.


Jessie and Taylor Miller said...

this is so hilarious! i died! can't wait to see some of the other gems!

Allie said...

Please post more...

Taylor Morgan said...

haha Ruby cracks me up!!

Emily said...

Fantastic! Thanks for sharing! I always get so excited when I see you've posted on your blog. :)

Heather and Dave said...

This is TOO funny! Ruby has your laugh and it's contagious. How cute! Crazy that Bracken knows how to work the videos and camera...although Macs are pretty use friendly. Molly has already taken over my Ipad2 and thinks its hers. Cant wait to see you in a few weeks!!!! YAY!

Miller Family said...

that was AWESOME!

Bethany said...

I'm just waiting for your kids to friend me on facebook... Too funny!!

megan&steve said...

I loved it, "this is my sister!"
I'm proud of them for hacking into your computer and recording a video too.

abbie said...

oh my gosh, too funny! i love how funny ruby thinks the whole deal is and how bracken says "did i just say that on film" at the end. this will be a good one to pull out when they are teenagers... do not delete! :)

Melodrama Mama said...

Too funny Brooke!! I was so happy to see your beautiful family on Sunday - if only for a few moments. I hope that your time in VA was great and that your drive home was drama free.

Emily said...

Brooke! That is so funny. You have a computer genius with a rockin' sense of humor on your hands.