What Abbie was excited about, however, was the fact that after waiting the entire school year it was finally her turn to be student of the week and take home the class mascot, Mooster Cow. Personally, I think the cow is hideous but Abbie loved him and was so excited to have him after months of anticipation so we were sure to take Mooster on several family outings.
The following are photos of the end of soccer season and also of our escapades with Mooster Cow.

hair bows and soccer totally mix
why is the parent bridge always such a crowd pleaser? i don't get it but Abbie LOVES it!
movies with Mooster
if you look really closely you can see two dirty foot prints on this kitchen table chair from my littlest girl who had been outside without shoes, someday I will miss finding traces of my little ones around
I pulled this out of Bracken's school folder. The captions really speak for themselves (cool--super kid, hot--corn dog, hotter--woman in bikini, hottest--girl underwear). I died laughing. Obviously he was thinking true temperature when it came to amount of clothing necessary for various temps. Super inappropriate and super hilarious.

even cows love the park.
doesn't Abbie look like a total babe in this picture? hard to believe she is in kindergarten.

Happy Friday night!
McDonald's for dinner while Dad's out of town.
there he goes! there he goes!
Tate's victory swing from Coach Pham right after he scored a goal
we ran into Reagan and Molly one field over, these girls are so happy to see each other
Abbie and Tyler (both in Mrs. Berger's kindergarten class) with their mascot Mooster Cow