So...because this is all so old it isn't that fun to write about anymore. I have decided I will post these pics and some Christmas pics later---for the sake of having a record of them---but not a whole huge story about every detail of what is happening like I usually write. After these two posts I will feel "caught up" and able to write about the here and now.
Ruby Jane is one entire year old!!! I know it is hard to believe---hard for us to believe anyway because she is our baby, and by now I am usually at least 6 months pregnant, so this birthday sort of crept up on us. The above is a picture of her on her actual birthday--Saturday, December 6th--and she was meeting Santa for the first time at a charity event at our friends house. Ruby must not have gotten the memo that Santa is a jolly man with treats and presents because she surely wouldn't be crying if she had known what he had to offer. The pictures in this post are out of their true sequence but I thought I needed to lead with the terrified picture.
This was immediately after I placed her in Santa's lap. The fear hasn't fully set in.
This is before I even gave Ruby to Santa. Abbie is explaining that she would like a real Cinderella crown for Christmas and Ruby is giving Santa the stare down.
This is her loot. We usually have a rule that the child with the birthday gets the same number of presents as the age they are turning but it looks really lame to only get one present so Jessie and I picked out a few extras. The favorite was definitely the "singing snail" as Abbie calls it. Ruby loves to squeeze that little glow worm and make her face light up as she plays lullaby's. I think that Ruby would also have loved the pink cell phone and keys if Abbie had ever given her a chance to play with them.
I didn't mean to delete the comment before...sorry...I wrote it, and then some how deleted the dang thing! She is sooo cute!! I think she looks so much like Tate! All of your kids are so cute!
A year already? She's just so cute...we miss her and you guys so much! A glow worm? I had one of those years ago - glad to see they are back on the market!
What cute pictures! Crying on Santa's lap is priceless. It's the only picture I have of me and Santa when I'm little, bawling my eyes out. I LOVE the tutu and cupcake onesie! All your kids look great!
miss you tons!
Cute little Birthday for Miss Ruby! Santa always seems to terrify the little kiddos. He is a jolly man!
What a fun post! I especially love the Christams outfits and special holiday bows!
I was here. I come to peek at your blog often, and I love it! It is so neat to see you in "mom mode" and your children are so adorable. I love the birthday onesie, are you so sad thet your baby is growing up?
I love that you have documented proof of each of your one year old babies being terrified on Santa's lap. I'm glad you found your camera again! When I showed Andrew the picture of Ruby, I asked, "Who do you think that is in the picture?" He answered, "Santa!!!" When I told him I was asking about the baby, he guessed it was himself, then he guessed Mylie, then he guessed Zack (the bow obviously eluded his sense of reasoning), then he guessed it was me, but my favorite was when he guessed it was Grandma Marilyn. When I told him the baby's name started with an "R" he guessed Ruby. He's so smart...
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