[The baby in this clip art picture looks just like Ruby, they have the exact same hair!!]
Finally! I have been waiting for nearly 20 whole weeks to feel this baby move and now he/she is making his/her presence known!! During the opening prayer of the second session of Conference today the baby kicked three times in a row---I was so glad to feel the repetitive movement because so often it's hard to say for sure whether the little feelings are the baby or something else happening inside.
It was these little movements that have inspired me to include everyone in our big event on Thursday----the ultrasound!!! Now that I am halfway through this pregnancy we will be able to end, once and for all, the raging debate that has been occurring in our household. Justin is absolutely 100% convinced that this baby is a boy because he thinks our boy-girl-boy-girl pattern is bound to hold up. I, on the other hand, am not convinced about the gender one way or another I just think that the odds are against us for keeping the pattern alive.
For the first time in our baby-having history we are not 100% certain what the baby would be named if it were a girl. We have always walked into the ultrasounds with a full boys name picked and a full girls name picked, so the second the technician announces the gender we immediately know how to refer to our new son or daughter. Justin feels no pressure to come up with a girls name because he thinks there is no need to. However, I think that if we don't come up with a girls name then it will definitely be a girl (such is life). We have a boys name--which I will announce only if the baby indeed turns out to be a boy--but for some reason I am having a much harder time this go-around choosing a name for a girl. It keeps me up at night.
I am going to make it my project to come up with a name between now and Thursday at 1:30 PM. Though I am not going to ask people to name my baby on my blog, you can be involved (if you so choose) by voting to tell me what you think the gender is. I will post the results when I get home on Thursday afternoon...or maybe not until after a baby shower I attend that night so that I can keep Lonna in suspense about what shower theme we will enjoy this summer (tea party for a girl, travel theme for a boy...she has come up with great themed shower ideas for this new baby)!
My kids have tried to name their possible sister, their suggestions have included the following gems: Candy, Flower, Jordan, and baby Abbie...I wish I could remember some of the others right now but I am having a brain cramp. Rest assured they also sounded like stripper names. Happy Voting!
I love how practical the "baby abbie" suggestion is. plus, this can keep the current abbie assured that she is the far superior one. can't wait to hear!!
so I guess abbie M. is voting girl?
I am voting....I think your baby is a girl! I don't have any suggestions on girl names though...Sorry! Girl names are hard!!
I'm voting boy like Justin HOWEVER...if it does indeed turn out to be a girl, Rachel is a wonderful name :)
My vote is the pattern will continue & you will welcome a little man again & he will be BFF with Brody.
I agree that Brody will be having a boy BFF cousin. I can't wait to sign them up for football camps at BYU!
Also... if it is a girl, I won't be offended if you copy the name Jessica. However... Jesse is also a popular boys name. Regardless of gender, I can't wait for my little namesake to arrive this August!
Im voting girl. I love the name Nora Ashly (but Jake said no). Isn't it beautiful? You can totally use it if you love it too!
I'll vote girl. Can't even believe you have ... WAIT! Is this really your 5th?! In my family we went boy, girl, boy, girl, boy. So, maybe I change my vote. Your 5th will be a boy and Hunter's equal. Oh, so maybe Hunter's a good name??
You wouldn't dare keep me guessing about what the baby is, well if you don't tell me I will just ask the kids, they keep no secrets.
I love that all the names that the kids like are total stripper names, if you would like to add to that list I once worked with a girl named Cinnamon, and she grew up with a Ginger. How strange I know. Also I think that Trixi is a good stripper name, but if you are having a boy then I guess that you don't need stripper names, too bad.
I can't wait to hear the news, I am sure that you will come up with something great either way. (but I am secretly hoping to do the Summer tea party).
I am the same way. I have had a pretty definite name going into both ultrasounds. I am so excited for you guys. And I'm with you, b/c you have had such a perfect pattern, it's bound to break with this one. But who knows?? Either way, I can't wait to hear a name! And I am excited to see all of you in a couple weeks :)
Hmmmm....I'm thinking boy! Can't wait to hear the name.
I am impressed that you've always known what name you were going with as early as the ultrasound! Josh wasn't even a name we were thinking about and then he came along and he was just Josh! For my little boy in the oven (that sounds weird) Josh suggested the name Tom Selleck the other night at dinner...not quite sure where he ever heard that but we are definitely considering that!
my vote is a baby! Ya I have no clue and if I say its a girl you will for sure have a boy. So Ya good luck can't wait to see what you are having.
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