Perhaps I will post in more detail how the day went at a later date but for now all anyone wants are the photos!

Abbie loving her castle
her own little door

come on in

soldier guarding the door despite being asked not to
Abbie and Olivia

waiting for more friends

red carpet pose

Abbie and Gwen

the open-mouth kiss on Zack's face was from Abbie
hooker, transvestite, or the Joker?
Gwen preferred to wear the scarf like a hippie and leave her eyes unveiled, yet still chose to kiss the mascot
Bracken wanted a turn to be blind-folded but didn't want to wear lipstick or kiss a boy
Abbie taking her best shot

the kids trying to pull the ribbons to make the candy fall

Lonna giving them a little extra help
Abbie opening gifts
the balloon Abbie had to have from Party City
her cake came in its own little house
This is the cake Abbie spotted at the bakery at the grocery store back in september and finally it is hers!!!!
the girls waiting patiently
Abbie distracted by her new music box
blowing out the candle

Ruby slept through the party but after her nap I let her wander through the aftermath and this is where I found her
she had found the remnants of the pinata
yum...jolly ranchers
Wow! Zack will be extra disappointed if he ever sees these pictures. It looks like a fabulously fun party. Too bad you didn't paint any of the girls' nails so they could have told you that you did a much worse job than their own mother does.
Perfect. What more could a little girl ask for??
(Way to be Ruby! I was always that kid in every family picture. Fresh nap time hair wondering through the wreckage of what my four older siblings had left trying to find just a little taste of candy)
what a party! i love the cake!!! and the castle door with the red carpet! and RUBY!!
p.s. i have noticed that all of your post have to do with parties! what a festive family!
Hooray!! Thanks for posting these photos!! What a fabulous event planner you are! This party really made me hope that the next kiddo will be a girl so I can buy an elaborate castle cake! Abbie is gorgeous! I love Bracken as a soldier guarding the castle, and Ruby looks adorable in those photos! She is getting so big!
P.S. Are you the only blonde mama in Texas?!
What a fabulous party!
Jake really likes the cake pictures. I really liked that Bracken didn't want lipstick or to kiss a boy.
How could you ever top this princess party?
ok 1, so creative of you to make that cute little entrance for the princess party! 2, i am going with the joker for abbie's lipstick face-- i laughed out loud! so funny. 3, i love that abbie has been longing for her grocery store cake since september. she is such a character! looks like everyone had a blast.
What a fun party, you and Justin are such fun parents!! I laughed out loud at the joker or transvestite title to the photo :D Also, your camera takes really nice photos, did you get a new one? Or is it from your i-phone? Nice work on the party and I'm glad you caught ruby in the act of eating candy. Those pictures were adorable!
For days after the party Gwen asked me when we were going back to the castle. I was just glad that she wasn't asking if she could put on the bright pink lipstick.
You did a fantastic job on the party, the decorations, the crafts/activities, and the cake. I mean slaving away for hours just to make the roses, just kidding, however that was a pretty great cake.
Thanks for having us over, I hope that you know that Gwen is probably Abbie's biggest fan. Time will tell when she is asking me if she can have Abbie color hair.
Oh and Ruby, she cracks me up. I love that she is sitting on the table eating the melty jolly ranchers. So funny.
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