Ok, so I caved. For the first time I allowed my children to not be an ensemble cast for Halloween. Do I regret it? Yes. Did I really have a choice? No. We were planning on having our entire family dress as the cast from The Wizard of Oz but the costumes available were either slutty or subpar. I decided that in order to do the movie justice I would need to make at least a few of the costumes, unfortunately time was not on our side this year and there was no way to make it happen. My Grandpa Lee passed away on October. 14th and we flew out to Utah for the funeral that was held on October 19th. We stayed for 10 days and returned home just in time for Halloween but with no time to create our own costumes. I will have to post about our time in Utah and my AMAZING Grandpa in another post---he deserves his own tribute, but for now here is a little of what Halloween looked like in our house.
Ruby apparently thinks that she is part of this class...and that she is old enough for school. She spent the whole time dancing around in front of each class following the singing teacher as she led the children in song. I know she stole the show and blocked a lot of parents who were trying to take pictures of their children who legitimately belong at the school.
Tate wants nothing to do with these Halloween shenanigans but I am doing a great job of making a fool of myself trying to get him into the spirit of things.

Lexie had her 2 month appointment right after the preschool parade so we thought we'd better take a picture of her. Time is passing too quickly and we are not taking enough pictures!

Baby Lexie does not love cameras.

Tate is really into being shy and hiding behind things, trees, walls, cars, whatever is nearby and larger than he is.
Abbie in the pouting photos is hilarious. Also, how did her other foot get over there in that bizarre photo?!?
Thanks for letting me see your cute halloweenie kids. Was Lex's costume really for a dog? I had never heard what she was dressing as.
Also- Bracken's face in the photo by the inflatable trick-or-treater is fantastic
LOVED the updates!! Your family is too cute and I miss you guys! Wish we lived closer. Maybe I'll get brave and update my neglected blog-i-o??
Was Ruby's costume really meant for a dog? Fun pictures!
It took me a minute, but then I found the backward foot. How funny! Your children are adorable. :)
Love the costumes & your efforts to help the kids be happier!
Abbies foot somehow crossed over, or you have excellent photoshop skills.
Maybe you should be putting Abbs into some kind of gymnastics, with the way that she can rotate her feet maybe she can work some awesome magic on the uneven bars.
I liked the costumes, and even though you had to pull them all together last minute I was impressed that each of them were at least wearing them. I might have just settled on having them in jammies or something like that.
Tate is so cute and I like the shy hiding/peeking photos. Lexie sure is getting big. Can't believe how fast time is going. Glad to see that you are not only hanging on for the ride, but also still taking photos and documenting. You are amazing.
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