dear megan,
you are right, i need to get back on this thing. oh blogosphere! what's a busy girl to do? oh, and megan, i got your voicemail two weeks ago! someday when i have a minute to exhale i will call you back! i love you my hawaiian babe of a cousin!

this must have been the last day that it rained in Austin, field day had to be moved indoors

go Bracken, go!

what girl doesn't like a little face painting?

cutest cat ever!

abbie posing for Mrs. Berger's cam

ashlea and abbie, kinder besties

yeah...i almost killed the beautiful girl who created this pile o' hair

butchered by her own hands with kiddie scissors after church one horrible sunday afternoon

move over nick nolte, check out this mug shot

hello, little boy. why the heck didn't you move or squirm while your big sister was cutting your hair? WHY???????


tears were shed

check out Colton mid-air

my little man Tate hanging out with his buddies at his end of the year park field trip

short by the chin but long by the shoulders, for the moment

bye bye hair, hello beckham bob

two cute boys, tate and colton, graduating from preschool

Ms.Q and Taters, they both survived the year, hooray!

luvs for Ms. Pompa

tate, jack, and jake

tate and colton

Rooster and Miss B

snuggles with Miss Beth

one more smile with Miss Beth

ice cream at McDonald's with mom, no more school means more time for fun

building boy

wonder boy and his creation

abbie was furious about this award from her kindergarten teacher, it was more for me than her but she didn't know what it meant and she thought it was a lame award for such a sweet little girl

great idea mom! you were sick of holding me while i explored the wonders of on and off with the light switch, this stool was totally the solution!

the very last day of school. how did we get to this day?

love these two beautiful smiles

abbie and mrs. berger

mr. subdued and mrs. berndlmaier
fun to see all of these photos. it's weird to see ruby with long hair now that im so used to the bob!
Yay! No need to call me back,iwas just checking in. My phone won't turn on or take a charge, sprint to the rescue tomorrow!
What fun photos to recap the end of school. I cannot believe all those curls Ruby chopped off. The mug shot is hilarious btw. Did Lexie's curls come back ??! When is your ultrasound??!
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