Too much of a good thing? Jess has told me in the past that you can never have too many pictures in a blog post, this may or may not be true. In the case of Disney World I think choosing which pictures to preserve is a very difficult process. There are 110 pictures in this post (I think) and they are whittled down from the over 2,000 pictures we took on our nine day trip. My kids, as it turns out, Typical, all American, Disney-loving, princess-obsessed, magic-believing kids. They LOVE Disney World. Each time we go they are entranced by the magic of it all and I am reduced to a sentimental, cry-at-their-reactions, blithering mommy fool. It's wonderful really and I am being totally serious. I love to see my kids so happy and excited about every single thing they see. The magic will fade sooner than I'd like but for now they are still so sweet and innocent.

we arrived at night but that didn't stop us from entering the park to go on a few classics like Pirates of the Caribbean

the girls had their noses pressed up against the glass watching all of the characters inside the restaurant, this was our first morning in town and the kids were jumping out of their skin to see some of their favorites
bracken's favorite shrub. seriously, what child has a favorite shrub? bracken drags us over to see this "magic mickey" each time we're at MGM
i was shocked that each of the kids that were tall enough (including tate) went on the tower of terror several times and loved it...sort of
tinkerbell at the night showing of fantasmic, it's always one of my favorite least we didn't get separated this year and aunt jessie didn't have to spend tons of money on light-up souvenirs

this girl is a true princess, i hope she always has things in her life that she is this enthusiastic about

he was so excited to get his hands on that sword...the little boy after bracken got the sword out, it rotates on a schedule and on a certain number you are able to get it out...poor bracken
main street all hallow-ready, it's rare to get a shot of main street when it's not swarming with people but we have arrived extra early for our breakfast with the princesses inside Cinderella's castle

this is the exact same cinderella that has been here to greet us for the past four years...what's she going to do when she starts to look more like the step mother??? aging happens to the best of us

they have a wishing ceremony at cinderella's royal table, they flash the lights and the kids wish on stars. magic!

if only i knew what these little wishes were. i hope they come true!!

alice was a tiny little thing but tate was a little scared of her so i held him firmly in the picture, even if that meant sacrificing myself and immortalizing the horrible humidity-ruined hair
this was a great end to tate's day, he is my child that would walk across fire to get to macaroni and cheese
lexie is my baby who loves babies, grandpa saw these two cute little corolle's in a red suitcase and knew they would make lexie happy for the rest of the trip, and they did!

this is what i saw every time i looked down, ruby wanting me to carry her or hold her during a parade
bracken is giving instructions on how to operate the steering wheel and brody looks totally panicked and betrayed.

i volunteered to watch brody while jess rode on goofy's roller coaster with my kids. he was dry when she left. i'm sure she appreciated me letting him roam free at donald's boat house.

some people waited in line for over two hours to meet tink and her friends, there was no way i was doing that. a nice lady asked if my girls wanted to meet the fairies, i said sure. the next thing i knew we went through a back entrance and were deposited into fairyland. before we entered we were told that as we passed through the doors we would be shrunk down to the size of a fairy, abbie was really worried about it. once we were inside she kept asking if we really had been really daddy, really? as you can see, ruby was not impressed.
watch out bracken, we all know what happened to peter at the end of pinkalicious
the miller's (notice brody squeezed into the middle) after the shooting game of Toy Story at MGM...i will never call it hollywood studios
this is when we were at a nice restaurant at the hotel but the kids had just thrown clothes on and come straight from the pool. brody was walking the halls with taylor and made an appearance at our port hole. the kids decided that was a good time to share some food. the couple at the next table were very gracious about sitting near the animals.
after dinner we headed back to beaches 'n cream for "the kitchen sink round 2"...
brody borrowed abbie's gear to play baby beauty parlor

our waitress announcing to the entire restaurant (while the lights flash on and off and a red police siren swirls from the ceiling) that some little pigggy's have come to try and eat the whole kitchen sink. twenty scoops of ice cream, an entire can of whipped cream, and every topping in the house!