Note: Feel free to skip this post. Many of you have already seen several of these pictures on our christmas card. Oh what we do for the sake of journaling.
I didn't think we would be taking family pictures this year because we didn't make our annual trek home to Virginia, which is where my friend Susan lives. She has taken nearly all of our family photos and pictures we use for our holiday cards. She had planned to pass through Austin on her way to visit her parents in Arizona so she could join in the big birthday festivities at the end of July but when her family's minivan broke down I knew that plan was a long shot. She ended up not making it to the party and we ended up without a photographer to capture the Allen's a la 2010.
By the time August rolled around I had come to peace with our lack o' pics. We had had such a crazy summer with birthdays, kid camps, playing with friends, sister's weddings, etc. that I was able to face the reality of a hodge-podge christmas card with photos from various excursions and events throughout the year (clearly that suited us just fine in 2009), but then in a blink we had an opportunity and we seized it!
The day after Tate's birthday (which was on the sabbath, aka no party) we had a party for him at Jessie's with a bounce house in the front yard. All of the kids in attendance were either Tate's cousins or the kids of my cousins, it was very low-key relative to the grand fete's enjoyed by my older two children (stinks to have a summer birthday). I spent the morning and the early part of the afternoon at the dentist (blasted miserable experience which resulted in a numb mouth, red at the corners, and me crying as I walked myself exactly one block to the SLC Nordstrom and soothed my pain and sadness by purchasing a new Rebecca Taylor dress...note to Justin: do not allow me to undergo painful medical procedures near such a dangerous shopping venue). Anyway, by the time I made it back down to Lehi, the party had already begun. Birthday parties wait for no mom. We had quite a pleasant afternoon eating pizza and having cake (well i couldn't feel my mouth, but the others ate). Any chance to chat and catch up with my extended family is time well spent. Then, just as the party was winding down, my cousin Heather (fab photographer) offered to take some photos of us all that night.
The photo shoot was very last minute, none of us had prepared our outfits (hence Lexie's heinous onesie), nor did we have time to bathe the kids and do hair, etc. but we scrounged around for what matched and was clean (Taylor even made a special trip into GAP kids to buy Tate a white shirt because his wasn't clean). The end result was quite nice and, best of all, we now have family photos documenting this year of our lives. Thanks Heath!

when did my baby boy turn into a little man?
(i have no idea why this is underlining..annoying)

i know this will be one of my favorite pictures of abbie forever, she's such a sweet girl

in the picture above she looks like a little girl, but just seconds later in this shot i can see her teenage self. i'm not ready.

she's ready to bolt
(notice how a. i should have been wearing skinny jeans, and b. one boot rises higher than the other because of the difference in length of my legs)

oh i just love these people!
Ruby's thoughts were fabulous. Great pictures. Please consider having Tate be Kermit the Frog for Halloween. I don't know if that costume still even exists, but he would be so cute as kermit.
I love these photos! That was funny to see the difference in your legs via the boots shot. I would have never noticed that
2 days until I get to see all of the cute kids in person!
It was so fun spending the day with you. I loved the outfits and your girls in their tutus were so so sweet :) Glad the new disc arrived - I'm still wondering what happened to the first??! Someone, somewhere must be loving your family photos since they never came back to me, haha! We keep looking for good flights to see you guys in Austin. We'd love to be shown around Texas by some natives ;)
super cute! i love the pictures of my bestest buddy rub and little lex. and the rest of the fam. if you ever get bored you can check out my blog.. ha ha. and feel privileged that i told you about it because nobody knows. but youre basically my sister in law so you have to know. that being said whenever i tell people why i went to texas this summer they always say "wow you went all the way there for that" and i tell them its normal they are family.
cutest kids EVER
This photo shoot went pretty smoothly from what I remember. I'm so happy the girls had their poofy skirts to add so much color.
We miss you and the family.
Great pictures! I have some Heather originals myself! I just want to say that I would have killed for a twirly skirt like that when I was young. I still would. Let's be honest. You never get too old to twirl. But it doesn't have the same effect in a pencil skirt.
YAY -- thank you for posting those beautiful pictures! I will have a tough time deciding which one to make my wallpaper--- Your captions are absolutely darling -- love you all. Hugs and kisses from Gigi
Your family is so cute!
Brooke, I'm catching up on your blog (it's been WAY too long!) and I was just going to comment on the most recent post and let you know I enjoyed catching up, but I can't NOT comment on this post, because these pictures are SO adorable! SUCH a darling family. I love the little girls' outfits and all the pictures turned out really well. xo, Mer
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