Sadly, this is the best shot we could get. Ruby is only almost flashing everyone and at least each child is facing the camera!
Hey there Belmont Ridge Ward, remember this? --For those of you who are not in our old congregation in Virginia I will offer a little background.--- I'm totally one of those moms who forces her children to wear matchy-matchy outfits and I've taken flak for it in years past but I must admit that I fully embrace the WASPy trait. I love having three little girls and I LOVE it when they can all wear matching outfits to church. One year on Easter Sunday I was taunted mercilessly by a number of members in our congregation for having Bracken wear a shortall smocked outfit with ducks that matched my other two kids. He was only three years old---not even three and a half---yet I had apparently scarred him for life according to one man. Well, I've got news for you Brother Bower, I was not the first and I will certainly not be the last mother to just melt inside when she sees her children all dressed in their Sunday best matching one another and looking like a million bucks---which, by the way, is about what it seems to cost to indulge in matchy-matchiness.

When I was a little girl sandwiched between two sisters we often wore matching outfits too. In fact my girls have already begun to wear some of the Laura Ashley sailor dresses that my mom had for me and my sisters in the 80's. I guess we should all just be glad that I am not trying to also match my daughters as my mom did in her own sailor dress. Even I have limits apparently. Though I guess I should be careful with what I say because I am sure this will come back to haunt me and that one day I will be unable to resist some form of outfit coordination with my girls. However, on this particular Easter Sunday I can assure you I was not dressed in a pale pink smocked dress with embroidered rosettes.

do you think she is crossing her fingers and wishing I would stop taking her picture?
can you tell that Lexie is sitting in a Bumbo seat with her dress fluffed out around her, or does it just look like she's wearing a bustle?
bored to sleep by all of the paparazzi shots...and three hours of church
In the interest of full disclosure I guess I have to admit that these pictures were actually taken the week before Easter Sunday because we had General Conference on "real" Easter so we didn't have meetings to attend that day. Though it wasn't quite the same to get the kids all dressed up for faux Easter I knew I better take advantage of the girls all fitting these current sizes and use them as their Easter dresses. In fact, I would like to get as much use out of them as possible, anyone have a wedding we can attend in the next 2 months while Lexie still fits into her little dress?...I wish we could be at cousin Jennifer's but it's all the way in Utah...
Here's what we did the next Saturday to prepare for the actual Easter holiday:
we dyed Easter eggs on Saturday when we got home from the gym

Abbie, or ABIE, as it says on the egg...darn those tricky white crayons that you can't see until you've dyed the egg

Tate carried these two eggs around for about three hours, his "sunshine egg and the green one". Green is definitely his favorite color these days.

don't I seem to be getting a lot of these kinds of poses out of Abbie lately? How can she already be turning into a drama queen at age 4?

Ruby after dying eggs. She commandeered Tate's froggy boots at some point during the process. She loves them and wears them anywhere I will let her.
"Real" Easter morning the Easter bunny left the baskets on the front porch because he fell asleep early the night before and the kids came running down while he (or she) was still preparing them in the guest room. He had to get creative and sneak around the house from the guest room and put them on the porch.

Ruby doesn't even bother trying to bring hers inside before just digging in and finding her pink bunny peeps.

Bracken showing off one of his treasures
The kids decorated paper Easter baskets before going outside for the egg hunt...I guess we should have done a better job of showing them which sides would be visible after they were fully constructed.
I happen to love seeing all your kids in matching outfits, I am amazed and sometimes baffled at the lengths you go to in finding the perfect grouping of clothes for the occasion, but I am always impressed. I think they look so perfect (even not looking at the camera).
It appears as though one Easter is not enough for anyone. Maybe we should change things up so that there is an Easter week, or a couple of weeks just so we can get in all the egg hunts and photo ops without feeling pressured on the actual day. Maybe I am the only one that feels like that.
I think that the boys showing their muscles is really cute, and I like how different each persons eggs were, and I mostly love that Ruby can manage to get whatever she is eating on her face, brilliant! She really cracks me up. I am sure that she could make a salad look cute on her little face.
I hadn't seen a lot of these pictures! Tate's muscle shot is very intimidating!
Oh, I'm so glad you published these! I'm not even caught up yet, but LOVING them! And Brooke, you are so funny. I've laughed out loud a couple times -- you AND your sister just kill me. I love reading your blogs.
I love your kiddos in matching outfits - what do old men know anyways?? The Easter festivities looked so fun! I love the candid shots - your kids are adorable, even if we can only see the sides of their faces :) I'm very impressed you used the word "flummoxed"...I don't even know what that means - similar to perplexed I suppose?? Love you all and loved the new posts!!
ok, i am cracking up at this matchy matchy post because i am also a huge fan. it is my biggest delight at the onset of summer 2010 to see some suits available in violet's size (3m) and olivia's (2t). dream come true! AND- i agree, no matching the mom as we often did growing up as well. however, this past sunday, i mistakingly wore a red/white seersucker skirt w/o realizing that i had put olivia in a seersucker dress that was more patchwork style. however, one of the patches being red/white seemed to be enough for someone to say, "oh look. so cute. you guys match!" i was v. embarrassed.
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